Website Maintenance


Sensible Spender Website’s general maintenance monthly subscription.

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Sensible Spender Website’s general maintenance monthly subscription service offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining and securing your online presence. This service encompasses a range of essential features tailored to ensure your website’s smooth operation and security.

  1. Domain Registration: Sensible Spender takes care of your website’s domain registration, ensuring that your domain name is secured and properly registered. This is the first step in establishing a professional online presence and is crucial for brand identity and recognition.
  2. SSL Certificate: An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is provided to encrypt data transmitted between your website and its visitors. This is critical for protecting sensitive information and is a must-have for building trust with your audience, as well as for improving your website’s search engine ranking.
  3. Web Hosting: Dependable web hosting is offered, ensuring that your website is accessible to visitors at all times. Our hosting solutions are designed to provide fast loading times and handle various traffic levels, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  4. Monthly Website Backup: Regular backups are conducted monthly to protect your website data. This service safeguards against data loss due to unexpected issues such as hardware failures, hacking, or accidental deletions, ensuring that your website can be quickly restored to its latest version when needed.
  5. Unlimited Email Forwarding Addresses: This feature allows you to create and manage unlimited email forwarding addresses under your domain. It’s an essential tool for professional communication and brand consistency, allowing you to direct all your email correspondence through your domain.
  6. Elementor Pro: Access to Elementor Pro is included, a powerful WordPress page builder plugin. It provides advanced design capabilities, allowing you to create stunning, responsive websites with ease. Elementor Pro offers a range of templates and design elements, enhancing your ability to customize your site to match your brand and meet your specific needs.

Overall, Sensible Spender Website’s general maintenance service ensures that all technical aspects of your website are managed professionally, allowing you to focus on your business without worrying about the technicalities of website management.


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